Press Release Oktober 2019

Boating Holiday in the Peene River Area

Canal boat specialist Kuhnle-Tours starts the 2020 season with the new cruising area of the Peene River.

The cruising area commences in Malchin, at the beginning of Peene River, known as the Amazonas of the North. The Kormoran canal boats and the wheelchair accessible Febomobil will be available for rent and have been designed solely for internal waterways and protected coastal waters. Once on board, there are 100 kilometers of idyllic, pic-turesque river to follow. The river ends near the city of Anklam, where the water becomes slightly salty between Usedom Island and the German mainland. Malchin has a well-connected train station just 600 meters from the rental location in Kummerow.On the river Peene, all cruises are licence-free. From Anklam down to the backwaters, Kormoran crews will need a boating licence for saltwater or the appropriate licence of their home country (boating licences may not be required). One way cruises to the Kuhnle-Tours bases in Berlin-Zeuthen and Zehdenick (Brandenburg) are available. Kuhnle-Tours has experience of the area, as they previously operated in the cruising area of Peene, River Odra and Backwaters from 1998 to 2007.


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